Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sighting: Excited!

Today I saw a Einhorn. Which for splendourful sight was it. It gleamed with the ethereal glowing of an angel. There before me was the noblest and that from the mystichen creatures respectably: an amazing white horse, a long knochernes horn nest LED in its brews. The horn was very dangerously looked rifled and, therefore I brought me closer with caution. I lowered never my Binokel, however thus fell I down many marks.

I could not remove my eyes from this creature. I could think of nothing, but much like I its head into my living room to attach wanted. Unfortunately my loud approach alarmed the animal to my presence a bare hundred yards away. It expanded its wings (Einhorns have wings!), in order fully to put on and gehuscht away into the night, completely like a blow.

As I sat condemning clumsy my management shoes, held I my right index finger trained over the cause of my magic Crowwbow. Only one Redwood Crossbowschaubbolzen, which is covered in the tears of a demon, can kill a Einhorn, or therefore they say. I will soon the learn the truth of this.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Day of One

I have not too much to report to. None unicorn Sightings already took place. While I put here in waiting period, I reflect to me. I am like captain Ahab, and unicorn is my large white thick. I must get caught my large white thick me and ersteche it with harpoons.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Mission Aussage, Weibchen.

Mein Name ist Michael Bogart, und ich bin ein unicorn Jäger.

Der Anfang

Damen und Mikroben - wie aller Sie nicht wissen können oder können, leben unicorns unter uns. Ja die horsies mit den ausgezeichneten Elfenbeinhornen auf ihren Köpfen. Diese mystischen Geschöpfe, obwohl extrem schüchtern, stellen sich häufig in den magischen Situationen dar. Dieses blog dient meistens als Journal, damit ich mein unicorn Treffen dokumentiere. Danke und Gott segnen die Königin.


Dieses ist mein Eröffnungspfosten! Ich bin deutsch! Duschegel- und -haarspray!